Datblygu ar “Music Arcades”

Wastad yn braf dod ar draws ffans Datblygu sy’n byw ochr draw y clawdd ieithyddol, yn enwedig pan maen nhw’n sgwennu cystal â hyn:

Not that the songs are all pretty. Sometimes listening to Datblygu is like being harangued by the drunk in the corner of the bar who you fear may be about to get violent or abusive at any moment. But you can’t tear away, and when he he hits his stride with his declamations you get the uneasy envious feeling that he has wallowed in beauty and joy that you, with your good sense and sobriety, have only glimpsed briefly.

Drueni ffeindio bod y blog wedi dod i ben erbyn hyn, gan ei fod wedi cyrraedd ei nod o sgwennu am bob un record sy yn ei gasgliad – sy’n syniad gwych am flog, gyda llaw, a ffordd dda o gael gwared o lot o records, siwr o fod.

Ta beth, dyma beth oedd ‘da fe i’w ddweud am ei records Datblygu, a ddaeth iddo trwy garedigrwydd ei gyfaill Medwyn – y Medwyn yma, am wn i.

Diolch i Rhys am bwyntio ma’s bod David (y blogiwr hanner-anhysbys) wedi sgwennu cymaint am Datblygu.

Cerdyn bost John Peel 1993

Cerdyn arall gan Peel i David.

Cardiau post John Peel

Cardiau post John Peel

Dear Dave, thanks for the card. Just come back from Caernarvon (sorry, can’t remember the correct spelling) (is it Caernarfon?) Your name came up a lot and I was given a cassette of the new LP. It sounds like a serious return to form. I’m glad about that – you’re something of a national asset, you know. I hope you look after yourself accordingly. It’s not just Welsh music that would be impoverished if anything happened to you. Seriously, John Peel.

Cerdyn bost John Peel 1988

Cerdyn oddi wrth Peel i David Edwards, 13 Gorffennaf 1988.

Cardiau post John Peel

Cardiau post John Peel

Dear David, thanks for the letter. Grateful no Melanie figure came to sing to me – but there plenty of them about, aren’t there? Look forward to your L.P. Feel embarrassed about not having offered Anrhefn another session but I don’t think they are the most interesting Welsh band. What do you think? Someone wrote to complain one of the Welsh language bands was advocating violence – presumably against we Englanders. Do you know who it was? Apparently the replacement for Bogshed, Phillips Law, are very good too. I certainly hope so. A final word – don’t get kidney stones. Strictly no fun. May have to have an operation yet. All the best, John. (Peel)