Pat a David ar sioe Rhys Mwyn

Mae rhaglen RHYS MWYN ar BBC RADIO CYMRU yn trin a trafod yr albym arbennig PORWR TRALLOD gan DATBLYGU Nos Lun ar BBC Radio Cymru gyda Pat Morgan a David R.Edwards yn fyw yn y stiwdio.

Copiau feinyl a cd yma –

Sioe Rhys ar iPlayer

On Monday night on BBC Radio Cymru DJ RHYS MWYN will be handing over the whole programme to an appreciation of the recent highly acclaimed DATBLYGU album PORWR TRALLOD. PAT MORGAN and DAVID R.EDWARDS will be live in the studio with Rhys.

Vinyl and CD copies available here –

Rhys’s show on iPlayer

Adolygiad o’r gig ym Mhreston 28/10/16

my Un-Peeled started in style with cult Welsh outfit Datblygu. And although Rico told me and fellow late arrivals Spread Eagle – while affixing wristbands – that David R Edwards and Patricia Morgan were still sound-checking, that rather seamlessly morphed into the set. And ‘what a performance’, as Bob would say.

David and Patricia proved highly personable and charming between numbers and eminently entertaining throughout, the lure of the Welsh language in the songs adding to it all. And whether tackling a secular hymn about Cardiganshire or songs about politics; sex, pubs and taxis; Mental Health Act or unemployment issues; there was plenty of empathy out there for the music and sentiments.

Various obstacles over the years have ruled out any Datblygu appearances outside the principality for more than 20 years, and this was only their third performance during that period. So what an honour to be there. Yet the promise of their debut single led to five Peel sessions between 1987 and 1993, the start of his love affair with Welsh language post-punk, in turn influencing the likes of Super Furry Animals.

On first sight, you’d have been forgiven for thinking David didn’t want to be there, but this was a man with so much to share, and the Conti crowd truly warmed to him. At times there was genuine comedy, a string of electronic mishaps keeping Patricia on her toes – from unexpected dry ice to volume surges, adding almost Frank Sidebottom and Ted Chippington-like elements. Top entertainment.

Datblygu’s Patricia and David on the events stage at the Conti, Un-Peeled 2016 (Photo: Simon Williams)

Datblygu yn un o uchafbwyntiau 2012 – Bethan Elfyn

Blogiad diwedd y flwyddyn gan Bethan Elfen:

3. John Peel favourites Datblygu celebrate 30 years with an exhibition, film & new EP

“Born in a bedroom in Cardigan 30 years ago, the band Datblygu were hailed as the first truly modern Welsh-language group; their uncompromising, immense music has been described as genius, and their influence on Welsh music as immeasurable.”

It was my great pleasure to catch up with Pat Morgan from Datblygu, just before the end of the year on my radio show to talk about Datblygu’s legacy, and how a new audience are still being inspired by them, their music.

It was great news too that the creative juices are flowing and that we may hear more new music from them in future, because their music holds its own, sounds equally as vital and fresh today, and politically is still a much needed lone voice in the wilderness. What I mean is that not many new bands are bothering to tackle the issues of our day, but poet and frontman David R Edwards still has something relevant to say for a new generation.

2012 celebrated Datblygu with a year long exhibition in Waffles café in Cardiff, a film produced and directed by Owain Llyr, launched at theatr Mwldan, Cardigan, and a new EP on Anskt – Darluniau Ogof o’r Ugainfed Ganrif a’r Hugain. Head to for more info on the band.

Comiwnydd ola Ewrop i fod yn y Morning Star

Erthygl gan Attila the Stockbroker yn y Morning Star sy’n sôn cryn dipyn am Datblygu:

I heartily applaud all those who are helping to revive and nurture the language and Dave Datblygu is in the vanguard of that. None of this of course means that I understand Welsh although David has helped me with some essential words: “cwrw” (“beer”) “pel-droed” (“football”) and, from Monty Python’s Anglo-Hungarian Phrasebook sketch, “mae fy nethau yn ffroidro gyda mwynhad” (“my nipples explode with delight”) which is always a good one to have up your sleeve.

Digon o le yn y dosbarth, Attila.

(Diolch i Datblygu Trideg am y linc.)

EP newydd – Darluniau’r Ogof

Testun o ebost ANKST:


Mae 2012 yn gweld DATBLYGU yn dathlu tri deg mlynedd ers ffurfio ( anghofiwch y dathu arall yn y cyffinie dros yr hen sianel pitw ‘na.) Eisioes da ni wedi cael y cyfweliadau ar y newyddion a radio cymru, yr arddangosfa a ffilm ddogfen ar y gorwel. Ond ma hi’n anodd meddwl am unrhyw beth fedrith wella ar y pleser o weld Dave Datblygu yn iach ac yn edrych llond ei groen yn mwynhau yr holl sylw.

Wel i ffan rhonc o’r band mae na un peth all fod hyd yn oed yn well – cerddoriaeth newydd gan Datblygu ! A dyna sydd yn cael ei gynnig gan recordiau ankst musik gyda rhyddhau EP pedwar trac gwbl newydd gan David a Pat. Yr leinyp clasurol a’r sain clasur – cyfraniad ffantastic i flwyddyn arbennig iawn i’r band.

Mae un seshiwn recordio draw yn stiwdio Fflach yn yr Hydref yn ddigon i brofi fod gwychder y caneuon emosiynol yn dal yna a syniadaeth David mor berthnasol ag erioed – ‘Potensial Cymru yw paradwys, so dwi’n aros adref ac yn gorffwys’ (Bywoliaeth).

Wir mae’r tracie i gyd yn cicio fel mul a ma hi’n amlwg ein bod ni wedi bod ar ein colled wrth i’r band ddisgyn yn dawel ers y nawdega. Am nawr mae’r ep yma yn ddigon …

Mae’r feinyl cyfyngiedig ar gael yn mhremiere ffilm newydd Owain Llyr am y band

a siop Ankst ar y we ac ambell i siop leol.

This year has seen the band DATBLYGU celebrating 30 years since their formation and it gives ankstmusik records the greatest pride and pleasure to announce that they band have made a foray into the studio to record a brand new E.P. which will be released on seven inch vinyl.

This four track E.P. is a further indicator of their ongoing renaissance and continued musical relevance. Four tracks that recall the classic Datblygu sound and line up of Pat and David. The music, once again kicks like a mule, and the record makes it clear that the voice and words we’ve missed hearing for such a long time is finally back.

This limited edition release will be on sale at the premiere of Owain Llyr’s upcoming film about the band – PROJECT DATBLYGU
and through the ankst webshop.



Bydd y record ar gael yn Theatr Mwldan wythnos nesa, neu cewch chi ei archebu o wefan Ankst, neu oddi wrth Sadwrn.