Sganiadau newydd, a bach mwy o wybodaeth, ar dudalen yr EP Dyma’r Rysait. Dal eisiau sgan o’r clawr blaen, os oes un ‘da rhywun.

“Pyst” Press Release

Press release sent out with “export” copies of Pyst.

Scanned from a second generation photocopy, so my attempt at a transcription follows. It’s slightly clipped on the right hand side, bits I’ve guessed are [in brackets], bits I can’t guess are [..]

[Gol. Diolch Victoria!]

PYST by Datblygu. Press Release



This is the second LP by Datblygu. The previous one (“Wyau“) received critical ‘acclaim’ in some quarters. So much so that the only way it got any attention in the N.M.E. was when John Peel selected it as one of his favourite records of that time. This was nice compensation for the racist blinkers worn by the hopeless hacks actually employed by that ragged rag.

Time Line

1990: This LP. 1989: Our last gig to date. We played in Wales’ capital city and bottles and glasses were thrown. We responded with a half hour one note waltz. I could never understand why all these Glastonbury playing bands existed with their Jimmy Tarbuck approach to music… 1988: Our first LP & second John Peel session. 1987: First vinyl release & first John Peel session. 1986 and Back: Gigs in cold and hostile village halls to cold and hostile village idiots, Also colder responses to limited edition bedroom cassette releases plus contributions to compilations LPs. 1982: Formed for two reasons: out of a hatred with what was being expressed
1. In the Welsh language
2. In music.
These reasons still apply. Therefore this LP had to be done.

1. The Welsh language ‘Culture’ is still the old folks home for subsidised idiots it ever was. 2. The music scene seems to be dominated by gits from north England who never grew out of their remedial department glue sniffing habits. They also make the use of anything more than a monosyllabic word a crime against fashion.

Also you can be guaranteed that we got this right in the first place so we don’t need to employ the dubious talents of some suntanned Londoner to remix it.

Anyway. Track List Translations

1. “Benjamin Morning”: Wake up. Take a sleeping tablet. Wake up. Take a sleeping tablet. Put in your box of preconceptions marked “Post A.I.D.S”

2. Out and Down: Out (in pubs). And Yazz was well off the mark because the only way is down hence the violins. In pubs I hoped for a female tongue in my ears but all I got was the overspill of middle aged men’s conversations in their eternal wife avoidance.

3. Take In a Show: Circles around the notion that the only reason shows have intervals is to do the audience a favour.

4. About: is a list of prejudices that I hold dearly against my fellow countrymen.

5. Novel From The Hovel: Is a short story, and the only I’d get one ‘published’ in Wales is to stick it between two ‘pop’ songs. Conclusion of the story? Slow drivers are far dangerous than fast ones and I should not have bothered taking my empty Scotch bottles to a bottle bank.

6. Ms. Laver Bread: Sex in the Welsh language shock. Laver bread is a food popular in parts of S.Wales. Ingredients include seaweed and pig fat but I like the woman in the song very much.

7. Intentions of Cows: I wanted the first “hymn” with lyrics I agree with.

8. Next Year Perhaps Leukaemia: “He’d like to say to her ‘Hey love, smile’, next year perhaps leukaemia.” Good jokes and “dance” music a plenty,

9. Twenty To One: is an analogy between a steeplechaser (all engagements dead) and me. “I was once at the tip of a commentator’s tongue. Now I’m here with the meat in a French supermarket”

10. The Nurse is Home:10. : I lived among nurses for a year. They are no more angelic than your neighbourhood pest.

11. Monkey with Scab: “Tradition’s a con, culture’s a con. What’s there to eat? Only a monkey with scab.”

12. Surfeit: …of being pissed off e.g. “I went down to look at the sea. It was like young testes singing in a choir.”

13. Rout: Is mainly a song about coughing, Christmas and good memories which make a useless present time feel much worse.

Yours, D Edwards, Autumn ’90

(Note: the stuff on the reverse of this press release was lifted from the local newspaper which serves the region where many of the songs on this record were written)

Further information, requests for interviews with people who’ve actually got something to say (I.E.not Yankie/Manky band neo-Willy Rushtonisms) can be arranged by phoning PATRICIA MORGAN on: 0497 – 821291 [ddim bellach] If not, we’ll have another record out in due course in any case.

Adolygiad “Blerwyttirhwng?”

Diolch, unwaith eto i’r tudalen Datblygu Trideg ar Facebook, dyma fi’n darllen adolygiad gwych o’r llyfr ‘Blerwytirhwng?’ The Place of Welsh Pop Music gan Sarah Hill (d.s. nid y llyfr gan Hefin Wyn sy’n benthyg o’r un gâ SFA am ei deitl, ond traethawd academaidd cyhoeddwyd yn America ym Mhrydain gan Ashgate Acedemic Publishers.

Gwelais i fersiwn cynnar o’r deunydd ar Datblygu flynyddoedd yn ôl, ond am wn i1, dyma’r tro cyntaf i fi wybod bod y llyfr wedi’i gyhoeddu.

Ac mae’n costio $99. Un am y wishlist, falle.

Ta beth, dyma ddetholiad o adolygiad ardderchog o’r llyfr gan John L Murphy, un o “top reviewers” Amazon US. Mae’r adolygiad yn werth ei ddarllen ar ei hyd, ond dyma beth sy ’da fe i’w ddweud am Datblygu a bandiau eraill eu cyfnod:

Datblygu, whose sound Hill barely notices (it resembles Mark E Smith’s The Fall), has in Dave Edwards a talented tortured voice. Paeans to bleak economics, failed love, and complacent Welshness all leap off of the page as much as Jarman’s verses. Hill rightly ties into Roland Barthes’ definition of the “grain” of the hand, the body, the voice “the whole carnal stereophony” of Edwards’ vocals. Y Tystion’s duo cleverly updates Gil Scott-Heron’s “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised” to lambast, like Datblygu, the “crachach”(the word’s oddly absent from this volume) establishment which militant youth perceive as having commandeered the gains of the 1960s rebels such as Iwan and settled into the Caerdydd comforts of Radio Cymru and SG4. While Welsh can be broadcast into not only TV and radio but now the Net, whether or not the angrier voices of discontent can find their Cymric shout-out remains to be seen– as with the rest of the globe given the state of our networks. I’d be intrigued to find how indie artists fare in Wales and Welsh with MySpace, filesharing, and raves, but these outlets either postdated Hill’s forty-year limit or were beyond its scope. Certainly, much of her investigation reproduces lengthy lyrical excerpts in her engagingly blunt translation that express not only Iwan’s “Carlo” but embittered disdain and eloquent frustration of those from post-punk, into hip-hop, and raised unwillingly under ‘Magi’ Thatcher.

1. Y twpsyn. Wnes i ddarllen yr adolygiad yma yn 2008, felly dw i wedi gwybod bod y llyfr ar gael ers o leia pedair blynedd. [nol]

Teyrnged gan Dave i David

Collais i hwn ar y pryd, ond dyma deyrnged hyfryd i David Edwards, a Datblygu gan Dave arall o Aberteifi, sef Dave Rendle. Roedd Dave yn un o’m dosbarthiadau Cymraeg yng ngholeg Aberteifi ers talwm, a thrwyddo fe dw i’n cael ypdêts cyson ar sut mae’r David arall yn wneud. Mae e hefyd yn gasglwr recordiau o fri; fe yw fy nghystadleuaeth pennaf am berlau colledig siopau elusen Aberteifi.

A lovely tribute to David Edwards and the band, by another Aberteifi Dave, David Rendle. It is written in the lovely English language, but Dave is yet another example of someone who has learnt Welsh as an adult, and whose experience of becoming a Welsh speaker has been coloured by Welsh language music in general, and by Datblygu’s music in particular.

Oh and he does the usual things that legends do, spends time in the bookies, spends money in local supermarkets. His articulacy still shining, happy in himself, motivated by his own reasons,sometimes the days are strange, but legends do not have to explain themselves, now if you want to understand the meaning of his songs, well perhaps it’s time to learn some Welsh.

Pat Morgan ar y Difference Engine

Braf iawn clywed Pat yn wneud cyfweliad ar sioe “Difference Engine” gorsaf radio Môn FM. Brafiach byth bod yr orsaf yn rhannu eu cynnwys efo’r byd trwy Mixcloud.

A lovely interview with Pat Morgan, on Darren Parry‘s “Difference Engine” show. Pat talks about the Datblygu30 celebrations at her sister’s house of exquistite waffle. The interview starts a little way into the show, but he plays some Fall first, so don’t touch that dial.

The Difference Engine with Darren Parry 21.04.12


Newydd ffeindio llond ffolder manila o stwff ges i gan Pat nôl yn 2006, dw i heb eu sganio hyd yn hyn. Bydda i’n trial wneud yn y wythnosau nesaf, pan bydd amser.

Yr eitem cyntaf yw copi o nodiadau Dave ar gyfer y caset Caneuon Serch i Bobl Serchog. Dw i wedi ei drawsgrifio ar gyfer ein ffrindiau yn Google, ond heb y CAPSLOCK HOLLBRESENNOL oedd mor boblogaidd yn yr 80au.

Bydd mwy o ddeunydd cyn bo hir.

Y Cymylau

Wnaeth Gwenfair Griffiths bostio’r lluniau bendigedig yma ar Twitter yn gynharach heddi.

Dyma band cyntaf Pat Morgan. Bach yn wahanol i Datblygu, ar ran arddull, dwedwn i.

Linda, y ferch yn y canol, yw chwaer arall Pat. Teulu llawn talent.

Yn ôl y sôn, oedd band arall gyda Pat, cyn iddi ymuno â Datblygu, sef Slugbait. Methu aros dod ar hyd i’w lluniau nhw.

Sarah Hill ar D30

Datblygu Trideg gan Sarah Hill yn y Welsh Arts Review.

Dave Edwards’ lyrics uncovered a shared generational feeling of disillusionment and hopelessness caused in no small part by the Thatcherite machinery. Edwards’ place on the margins of Welsh society, and at the outer edge of Wales, gave him a vantage point from which to declaim his poetry, straight into the belly of the beast. And needless to say, Datblygu had a strained relationship with the Welsh establishment. But John Peel loved them. On the Waffle walls are the rather endearing postcards he sent to Dave Edwards, as well as the hand-written track-by-track guide to pronunciation and meaning that Edwards sent Peel as PR for their album, Pyst (1990).

Ww, eisiau gweld hwnna!

(Diolch, Victoria!)

Datblygu yn y Wladfa Newydd

Mae cwpl o erthyglau Saesneg ar Datblygu wedi ymddangos ar Culture Colony / Y Wladfa Newydd yn y misoedd diwetha, sef Datblygu 2008 am y fideo Llwch ar y Sgrîn, ac adolygiad “Atgoffion Hen Wanc”:

This is a straight and honest account of David’s life from his own point of view. There’s romance, but he’s not romantic about it, there’s success, but he dosen’t revel in it, there’s plenty of tragedy, but he tells it as it is and moves on. There is a starkness to the writing, some chapters are only half a page long, and this makes it an easy read. I read the book in a day and wandered around the house with it as I played with my daughter and made lunch. A bit of a surreal experience to tell the truth, to be happy in my day while at the same time having a glimpse at Dave’s alcoholism and disappearance into mental illness.

Mae gyda nhw erthygl dda ar y sioe yng nghaffi Waffle, hefyd:

The influential band Datblygu is 30 years old. To celebrate this anniversary the Waffle Coffee Shop (63 Clive Road in Canton, Cardiff) has put up an exhibition of personal memorabilia donated by the band’s two main members, Pat Morgan and David R. Edwards.

Victoria Morgan of the Waffle Shop, and sister to Pat, said “It’s a bit of a ‘home made’ exhibition, but then that’s what Datblygu were all about”.

Cyfweliad â Pat

Braf iawn clywed Pat Morgan yn cael ei chyfweld yma ar raglen “Stiwdio” bwyddiwrnod. Mae hi’n sôn am y sioe Datblygu 30, ond hefyd am hanes y band, yr ymateb cawson nhw yn Lloegr ar ôl bod ar raglen Peel.

Sa i’n siwr beth yw’r sefyllfa gyda rhaglenni fel hyn ar yr iPlayer. Oes modd i rywun wneud copi rhag ofn iddo ddiflannu?

Cyn Symud i Maes E

Mae ypdêts ar y gwefan hwn fel bysus Pontgarreg; does dim un ers misoedd, ac wedyn mae un yn dod bob 10 munud rhyw nos Wener pan ti wedi hen dderbyn bod pawb sy’n gweithio i’r Brodyr Richard wedi mynd at eu gwobrau.

Wel, ocê, ddim cweit fel hynny. Lot o ypdêts, dyna beth dw i’n dweud. Dw i’n trial dal i fyny ar ôl bod yn ddiog.

Y fideo yma, er enghraifft, wedi cyrraedd YouTube yr wythnos hon, ar ôl “casglu llwch am flynyddoedd”, yn ôl Victoria Morgan. Gwylies i hwn yn y gwely y bore yma, a dyna’r dechreuad gorau i ddydd Gwener dw i’n cofio ers tro byd.

Wythnos diwetha, wnaeth Victoria lanlwytho fideo arall dw i erioed wedi gweld o’r blaen, sef y fersiwn gwreiddiol o Maes E:

Sut yn y byd mae’r pethau yma heb fod ar y we cyn nawr?


Gan fy mod i ddim yn gallu gadael y gorllewin, rhag ofn i fi droi’n bwmpen eto, fi yw ffan ola Datblygu i weld y sioe Datblygu30 yng nghaffi Waffle, yn y Caerdydd ’na. Diolch, felly, i’r Twll ac i Lowri Haf am bostio adolygiadau a lluniau pert o’r caffi, sy’n cael ei redeg gan Victoria, sy’n chwaer i…

Wel, chwaer pwy yw hon? (Llun gan Lowri Haf).

Mae’r sioe i ddathlu 30 mlynedd ers i Dave a Wyn ddechrau’r band yn ysgol Aberteifi, cyn i ti gael dy eni, ychan.

Caffi Waffle
63 Clive Road
029 2034 3087

Cliciwch am fap mwy

Mae’r caffi ar gau ddydd Llun, ond am wn i, ar agor bob dydd arall. Sieco ymlaen llaw yw’r gorau.

Maen nhw ar Facebook ac yn trydar @datblygu30.

Mae’r adolygiad ar Culture Colony yn dda iawn hefyd.

Mwy o luniau i ddod – cliciwch y tag datblygu30 i weld mwy.